Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Baking Cookies- Choclate Wows

Hey everybody, my name is Justine and this is my first Q2 IRP book blog post. I chose the book "Good Housekeeping Favorite Recipes: Cookies!" I chose this book because I wanted to become a better baker and I love cookies, so why not bake cookies. For this blog post I chose to make cookies called "Chocolate Wows".

I've always loved to bake. From when I was little using the easy bake oven to now making things with my mom in the kitchen. My childhood consisted of always having fresh cookies made for me to eat, cakes you could only dream of having for my birthday, and always having little treats to munch on. I grew up with my whole family baking, so now I want to become a better baker myself.

The recipe for the cookies "Chocolate Wows" is the picture to the left. I made the mistake of going to get all the ingredients the night before thanksgiving, worst mistake of my life .


In the picture to the left, I am mixing the eggs and sugar together. While I use the mixer, I scrap the sides of the bowl to make sure everything is mixed to lemony yellow color with no clumps of eggs or sugar.

In the picture to the right, I am mixing all the ingredients together. I first mixed the eggs, sugar, unsweetened cocoa, baking powder, melted semi-sweet chocolate and vanilla in the mixer. Once they were all blended, I poured in the semi-sweet chocolate chips and chopped pecans.  I stirred by hand with a wooden spoon until I felt like they were evenly spread throughout the mixture. I stirred for approximately 3 minutes until they were spread evenly.

In the picture to the left, I am scooping up the cookie batter with a spoon, eyeing the size of each cookie, making sure they are all about the same size. For me, it helps to put every cookie on the cookie sheets-2 inches apart from another cookie, then I would even them all out by taking some batter from some cookies and giving it to other cookies. When I was done I got a metal spatula and flattened the cookies. After I flattened each cookie I put them in the oven for 13 minutes, halfway through I rotated the cookie sheets between the upper and lower racks. When they were done, I took them out to cool for 10 minutes then I moved them to a plate.

The picture to the right is the final product! I made one batch which was suppose to make 48 cookies, but mine only made 36 because I made mine fairly big. (I took this picture before all the cookies were done so it doesn't look like 36.) I tried a cookie after I was done and it was really good! I'm really proud of what I've baked. I made them for my family Thanksgiving and my family loved them!

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog! I'm looking at making Christmas cookies for the holidays and I'm super excited!


  1. Hi Justine!

    Your cookies look amazing and delicious I love your purpose for starting this blog, cooking with your family and cooking in general can always brighten a day. I used to be in creative cooking and one of our units was on making cookies. I understand why you rotated the cookies in the oven, it's to make sure that they are cooked evenly. But I am wondering why you flattened the cookies before putting them in the oven? I didn't learn the significance of this in my class and I'm wondering what it is?

  2. Abby,
    Thank you so much! The reason I flattened the cookies is because I needed to make sure the cookies would be cooked evenly and all the way! I'm not 100% sure if that is correct or not but I feel that it good to do it.

