Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Rafes Rant Rabbling About Security

Hello anyone who is interested in my post! This is a video I made to help explain to you guys the basic concepts behind cryptology. I hope you enjoy my video and any helpful feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.


  1. Hey Rafe!

    Your video on encryption was really interesting. Do you think public key encryption is perfect? Do you think that if used correctly, it is impossible for a message to be deciphered? Or do you think a method will be discovered to crack the encryption without brute-force? I personally think that public key encryption is uncrackable as long as it is used correctly.


    1. The concepts behind public key encryption are theoretically unbreakable but its implementations in the real world sometimes cannot. If you use standard RNG you can only hope to get about 24 bits of pure entropy in a 124 bit key, greatly reducing the possible time it takes for a savvy key breaker to break the password. Thanks for making me think a bit harder about this.

