Monday, December 12, 2016

Blueberry Banana Muffins

My name is Alyssa Weber and I choose to work on baking cupcakes for my IRP this quarter using the book Cupcakes! From the Cake Mix Doctor by Anne Byrn. Before I started looking at the book I really only knew how to make basic cupcakes.

Cover of the book I am using

While I was making these muffins I had some struggles and some successes. Some of the successes I had were the muffins coming out perfectly in terms of being under or over done, the muffins were also very moist. The muffins were fairly easy to make which I was happy about since it was my first time making muffins and it was on a school night. However, I did face some struggles, I had to put my muffins in for more time then they needed according to the cookbook it would take "20-23 minutes to bake" (Byrn) but it took closer to 30 minutes to bake.

My Blueberry Banana Muffins

According to the original recipe, I was supposed to put a pecan topping on my cupcakes. I don't like very many nuts so I decided to change the topping. On the previous page there was a recipe for blueberry yogurt streusel muffins. Since the two muffins were very similar, I thought that I would try to alter the original recipe and put the streusel topping on my muffins instead of leaving them plain or using the pecan topping. I was really proud of how these muffins turned out because not only did they look really tasty but they filled my whole house with a heavenly scent as they were baking and cooling. I even took some muffins to school and gave some to my friends and teachers. When I went to visit my cousins I took some muffins and took the advice of Anne Byrn "I froze the leftover muffins and reheated them a week later for a hurried breakfast" (Byrn). They were a big hit with everyone I shared them with. One of my teachers absolutely loved it, and my cousin loved them so much that she asked me before I left if she and her husband could keep some because she liked them so much!

I told how I changed my muffin recipe because I don't like nuts, how would you suggest changing a recipe if there's an ingredient you don't like? Are there any foods you don't like?

Byrn, Anne. Cupcakes from the Cake Mix Doctor. New York, Workman Pub., 2005.

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