Monday, December 5, 2016

Adding Depth

          Drawing has always been a hobby that I've been passionate about my entire life, but I don't usually put the time in to become better. I just sit down and decide to doodle either my own characters that I make from scratch, or I draw my cartoon characters from my favorite cartoon shows. I like to draw by simply using my imagination, rather than shaping out every detail, and I've gotten pretty good at it. By the time I finish this blog, my goal is to increase the depth in my drawings. The way I'll do this is by using different shading techniques to create a 3-d version of my drawing.

This is a fictional character I was doodling.
For me, drawing from imagination is either mixing a combination of characters I've seen on T.V making a new character, or just a regular character from T.V. Some people think that drawing and sketching is the same thing, but in, "Drawing for a beginner", by Mark Willenbrink, he states, "a sketch is a work of progress...on the other hand, drawing is an activity that is begun with the intention of producing a finished piece of art" (Willenbrink 16).  This is what makes drawing fascinating to me, is that whatever I'm drawing or doodling, I always continue to see my finished work. Also in the book, the author states that to create depth, you should focus on structural sketches because it'll help you observe your subject, (Willenbrink 17).

The drawing above is an example of dark and light shading techniques. There is a contrast between the different shades of the pencil creating depth.

Question: As an artist, do you enjoy drawing with your imagination and making your own characters, or not

Bibliography: Willenbrink, Mark, and Mary Willenbrink. Drawing for the Absolute Beginner: A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Drawing. Cincinnati, OH: North Light, 2006. Print.


  1. Hey Abdi!
    Your blog post was very cool to look at, I really liked that guy you drew, nice details! I also liked how you put a lot of heart into the drawing and it shows that you got into doing it well and put in hard work.

    I myself was a drawer back in the day but only when I was about 6 or 7 years old because just like you I liked to just doodle anything that came to mind and didn't try to improve. I was all about starting in one corner of a paper and then connecting a bunch of shapes and lines through the whole paper when I was little. Also, another thing I enjoyed to draw was many sports players with cool backgrounds.

    I would say that I used to enjoy drawing with my imagination when I was younger because I would draw anything that was on my head and mix a lot of things like you were saying. But nowadays when I sit down to draw I usually like to trace characters and then add a little bit of my own flare to a specific place of it, I enjoy that more because I draw cooler things like that.

    What are some of your favorite characters that you like to draw from cartoons?

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad that you enjoyed my post and it's kind of cool that you enjoy drawing too. It's kind of hard to choose from which characters I like to draw from cartoons because I've watched so many and liked watching all of them. My favorite show as a kid was Avatar because the animation was the best I've seen in the cartoons that I watched and it inspired me to get better. Again thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it.
