Saturday, December 31, 2016

Winter Break Training

Since my last post, not much has happened. For practice, we have been given the time off because finding time at a pool was challenging. So for me, I have been doing exercises from my IRP book in order to try and stay in shape for when we come back in January.

Shoulder Exercises with Band
I have been doing many exercises with bands to strengthen my shoulders and legs. The books states that "strengthening your shoulders allows for better shot selection and passing abilities" (Minami 373). In other words, it is basically saying that when your shoulders become stronger, there are many more different types of shots that you can perform, for example a skip shot, and are able to pass the ball faster and with more accuracy. This helps because the more shots you have at your arsenal, the more that you can beat a goalie because they do not know what to expect. Also, since passing is faster and more accurate, you can confuse the goalie and defenders much easier. 

Athletic Tape on Shoulder
Since I have been using my shoulders so much with the band and have been swimming for Kentridge's high school team, I have been having soreness and aches in my shoulders. Minami says that "overusing your shoulders can lead to injury and can lead to a lot of time out of the water" (Minami 367). It also says that there are many ways to prevent injuries like these. Using athletic tape in the photo above can help relieve pain in muscles. You must also do a ton of stretching in order to loosen your muscles (Minami 368). 

After doing many of these things, my right shoulder has felt better, but still tenses up during swim practice. Now, I have to look forward to practice starting on January 3rd and the upcoming tournaments. 

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please let me know. 
Milo Andersen

Minami, Takahisa. Japanese National Team Training. Vol. 1. Shinchosha, 2012. Print. 

Should athletes practice through injuries or take time off in order to recover? 



  1. Hi Milo!

    Your blog post about your winter break training for the shoulders and back is very interesting and helpful! I am a runner and although I am not lifting my arms up as much as you, a lot of strength does come from your shoulders and back. I've noticed that when I run and get tired, pumping my arms faster and longer really helps me run quicker and get the extra strength I need to keep going. Moreover, having a strong back and shoulders give the arm pumps the energy. Lately, I've been noticing that when I run, my shoulders tense up (especially the left) and it feels like I have a huge cramp in them. I try to roll my shoulders back and keep my back straighter with some other stretches for the back and shoulders to stop them from cramping up. However, sometimes it feels awkward to sleep on my left shoulder so I need to fix the problem as soon as possible. I think doing some band exercises and stretched for my shoulders will really help me out. I can also use it strengthen my legs as that's the main body part I use when I run! Thanks for the great tips and advice!

  2. Hi Milo,

    I found your comment about not over working your muscles and using tape for soreness really interesting and useful. It's important to take care of your muscles, especially in sports like swimming and water polo. I am about to go into my polo season I have been working out at the gym for my swim offseason and I am currently working in the pool with a private trainer. But polo is different from swim, are there any exercises or workouts that you would recommend so that I could start strengthening my game before my season starts?

  3. Hi Milo!
    I thought you did a great job on this post, and I found your statement about using tape for soreness intriguing. Muscles are an important part of an athlete, and I believe that you shouldn't over work them. So, to answer your question, I would say that athletes should take time off in order to recover. I am an athlete myself and I know that trying to perform your best while being injured is hard to do. That is why you should try to recover before trying to participate in a sport, so that you can execute your best performance.
