Sunday, January 28, 2018

Chooing the right Boat

Danann Gallagher
Hook, Line, and Seeker
Jim Arnosky

When it comes to boats their are so many different options. Each type has its own benefits, for example a sailboat has the perk of not needed gasoline or diesel. But that comes at the cost of less maneuverability and speed control. This is where Power boats or row boats can be useful since you have more overall control, but power boats need to be refueled which can become quick costly. Jim Arnosky author of Hook, Line, and Seeker, wrote "I needed a boat as seaworthy as Mayfly to take out on the waves and explore more. But I also wanted to be able to creep the boat into shallow bays and coves to fish and see the wildlife. I wanted to go and come as I pleased regardless of which way the wind was blowing" (Arnosky 117). Mayfly was the boat Arnosky owned before he decided to buy a new one, "Mayfly was a live-aboard sailboat. Below decks there was a galley (a small kitchen), a dinette, a head (a bathroom), and a sleeping compartment with two berths (beds)" (Arnosky 113). Arnosky decided he still wanted the luxury of a live aboard boat, with the maneuverability of a power boat. This is something a lot of boat owners contemplate when choosing there boats. My family decided to go with a powerboat do to its more simplistic nature, and ease of use especially when you want to go fishing as having good speed control is a great feature.

So if you had choose between a Sail Boat, a Power Boat, or a Man powered vessel, which one would you pick and why?

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