Thursday, January 25, 2018

Seated Half Neck Roll

One of the main causes of headaches is tension from tightness in the neck. The tightness can start either in the shoulders or the neck and move up to where the muscles attach at the base of the skull. Practicing simple neck stretches or movements can loosen up and calm these tense areas. 

1. Sit in a comfortable position. 
2. Rest your hands on your tight 
3. Sit up tall, lengthening through the top of your head. 
4. relax your head forward, keeping your shoulders down 
5. slowly roll your head to your right shoulder and stop 
6. Gently roll your head forward and to your left shoulder and stop
7. Move gently and slowly with your breath, feeling the stretch as you move your head.  
8. if you feel a stretch, hold that spot and breath. 
9. Repeat the same movement with your head titled back 

Modification: If your neck is tight, old each position forward, right side, and left side for 2 to 5 breaths each hold.
Safety Tip: If you have any past injuries to your neck, make sure to follow the modification and o easy on your neck.

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