Sunday, January 28, 2018

Cleaning out your pantry

For my last blog I wanted to do it on something everybody enjoys and that would be food. I know we do not all have our own house and have our own pantry that contains all the junk we desire but sometimes our parents don't clean up very well either. They typically let things get messy on a rare occasion and you have to do the adult thing and clean up the child's mess. Not saying parents are like kids but, we all have our moments. . . Right? Well anyways, my pantry was getting out of hand and it was so bad things would just fall out without anybody being around (I promise we do not have ghost!). With this being the case, of course I took action and did a little cleaning up and this is probably a real easy job for anyone. It's an effortless process and can even be fun because you get to eat all the junk you thought was gone!

So this is what your pantry probably looks like.  ➔
This may not look terrible but you really had to dig for what you are looking for which isn't always great for the mornings you are running late. We always try to keep the shelves organized like breakfast, baking, pastas/ sauces and snack foods. As time passes we never actually put items back where they came from and kind of just throw the item in; if it falls out you get irritated and soon just smash it in crunching the chips into dust. my objective was to throw away expired items or bags of chips that were thrown in wide open. The first step was to start taking things out shelf by shelf. I went through and found items that belonged in another place and put those aside. I went ahead and started to shuffle items around and as I made my way to the top shelf, as I saw items that didn't belong in that place I took them and placed it in the correct spot. Call me crazy but being organized really can make life easier! my second step was to toss out the expired items. we ended up have just a few cereals that went over there date by a few months so, I went and recycled the box and threw away the cereal bag. (By the way, make sure to always recycle!) My final step was to put everything into place and put items downstairs in our garage with other foods that don't really have to be upstairs. (It's always nice to have extra space!)

The final result! It really does look a lot better and when you can see every item on the shelf it really does help you for those busy days you have to grab and go. I really like to see everything and not have to dig because this helps you notice what you have when you go grocery shopping and need items but forget to write them down for the next trip; it gives you easy access to each item and lets you know what you have.

My very last question I want to ask is: Does your guardian ever give you chores or are you someone like me who finds something messy and instantly tackles the job?

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