Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Fundamentals of Track: Starting & Blocks

Your starting position is the most important thing when entering a race!

Starting block: A device used in the sport of track and field by sprint athletes to hold their feet at the start of a race so they do not slip as they push out at the sound of the gun. The blocks consists of 2 foot pads attached to to a metal rail.  

In almost all races in track, a starting block is required, but not only is it required but a starting block is useful and very helpful. 

Sprint Starts: 

When you start a race, your longest stride is usually the longest. But to get to your best acceleration you have to apply force horizontally to transition from standstill to moving forward at a high speed. When you use blocks, you can get into a sloping body position, which lifts your center of gravity and helps you reach maximum velocity in a short period of time. The blocks also abbreviate the distance between your start position and a correct balanced running gait. 

Types of Sprint Starts: 

Medium Stance 
Elongate Stance 

Bunched Stance 

 Advantages: Getting a powerful push off is the best benefit using starting blocks. You are already on your feet and you can easily accelerate from an inert position as well as hit the ground with greater speed. The blocks are so helpful because it allows you to shift your weight to your shoulders and hands, rather than your lower body and feet. 


  1. Hey Makiya, I really enjoyed reading your blog! It was very interesting to see the different start positions of Track and Field.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Ilham! I am glad you enjoyed my blog post !

  2. Hi Makiya! I like how descriptive you were in your post. Which of these starting stances do you think are better?

    1. Hello Zainab! To answer your question, i wouldn't say there's a better stance than the others but i prefer the bunched stance. When i come out of starting blocks i am in that stance and that's what i prefer but you can do whichever stance you're comfortable with. Thanks!

  3. Hey Makiya, i really liked how you described the starting blocks of your blog. It helps those who are new to sprinting understand the different starting positions. Nice visuals!

    1. I appreciate your generous comment Diana! I love to give information about track and teach people as many things as I can !
