Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sewing: The Importance of Pins

The Importance of Pins

Image result for pin cushion

Pins are important because they hold the fabric in place for us. If you saw my last post, then you got a glimpse of how many pins you could use for just a single piece of fabric. Pins keep the fabric together so that if you want to try on a shirt you made to see if it fits, you wouldn't have to sew it together first and have it end up being too small to fit you.
In all the times that I've worked on a sewing project for a cosplay, I have learned that it's better to have more pins then you need then to run out of pins in the middle of your project. Having a magnetic pin cushion is also extremely helpful if you tend to drop your pins like I do. 

Using the picture from my last post, this piece that is shown in the picture was just a little bit over 12 inches and it still used about 20 pins to keep the whole thing in place.
So, when you go out to get pins, make sure to buy more then you think you need!

"The Book of Cosplay Sewing" by Svetlana Quindt

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