Personally, I think that the goalie is the most important position on the field because of their job and how they impact the game.
- The goalie must be quick on their feet and flexible to reach the ball anywhere as Gail B. Stewart says, "As the last defense of their teams' goals, the goalkeepers (often called either "keepers" or "goalies") need more gymnastic ability than traditional soccer skills to do their job," (Stewart 30).
- Should always be communicating with their teammates because they see the whole field all the time.
- They should be able to organize the defense at any given moment on corner kicks and free kicks.
- You shouldn't just focus on your hands though. The goalie will be the one taking goal kicks almost always, so you should be able to kick the ball down the field or pass to one of your teammates quickly.

- Defenders are the last line of defense before the goalie. They should always listen to the goalie on corner kicks and free kicks to know how many people in the wall and amount of people in the wall.
- If the ball is on the left side of the field then the right defender has to shift toward the middle more to protect the middle lane and the same thing if the ball is on the left side but with the left defender.
- Make sure the defense is also communicating with each other.
- If you are setting offside trap make sure everybody steps up at the same time.
- Must be good at heading to be able to better defend free kicks and corner kicks.
- Be good at passing/passing accuracy because they are the ones who distribute the ball around the field.
- Must have a lot of stamina because they will be running up and down the field the most.
- Good at crossing the ball into the 18-yard box.
- Midfielders shoot quite often so they should be accurate but also powerful when shooting the ball.
- Good at keeping the ball in front of them but they shouldn't be dribbling the ball too much.
- Defending the ball is also crucial to the position because it will allow them to counter attack very fast.
- Good at playing through balls to the forwards to be able to score.
- Most forwards should be fast so the can get to the ball that the midfielders will play to them.
- Good at shooting with accuracy because they will be shooting a lot.
- Good at heading from corner kick and crosses.
- Forwards are also defenders, if they win the ball, the forwards have a good chance at scoring.
- Should be able to hold the ball up until they have help from other forwards or midfielders.
If you have any comments please leave them in the comments.
Stewart, Gail B. Soccer. Lucent Books, 2001
This is very helpful Karan thank you this puts a new perspective on the way I carry out my job on the pitch. I will being try the offside trap now as you suggested as i believe it will work very well!