Sunday, January 29, 2017

A lot on her plate: cheat's seeded crackers

Hello again! This past weekend, I was flipping through my cookbook looking for something I could make quick with ingredients I already had in my fridge. The recipe on page 94 looked promising, showing appetizing tortilla chips and humus which sounded easy enough to me. "Aside from being a brilliant way to use up surplus tortillas, these little belters are great with dips, and deceptively easy to make, though they give the impression you've gone to quite a lot of trouble." ( Birkett pg. 94) This recipe only required few ingredients and thankfully I had everything, not needing to go to the store like I had to do in the past.

- whole wheat tortillas
- various spices ( I used paprika
and another blend of spices)
- one egg
- chia seeds
-humus (optional)
special equipment:
-pastry brush

The first step was to heat the oven to 350 degrees, then make the egg wash that would be spread on the tortillas. So to start, I cracked one egg into a bowl and whisked it, along with half a tablespoon of paprika and a couple dashes of spice blend.


I next took 4 tortillas and cut them into eight equal triangles, then put spread them evenly on a parchment paper lined tray.


Taking the egg wash with a pastry brush, I brushed a layer of egg wash on all pieces of tortilla. After that, I generously sprinkled chia seeds over the top. " I've used chia seeds on top because they're packed full of omega-3 fatty acids and help aid digestion." (Birkett pg. 94)


Once finished with that, I repeated the steps to make another tray of the same thing. I then took the finished preparation and popped it into the oven to cook for 10-12 minutes.


After about 7 minutes or so, I took both trays out of the oven. I flipped all the pieces over, and reglazed them with the egg wash and chia seeds, putting them back in the oven for the remainder of time.


After 5 more minutes later, I finally took them out to cool before putting them in a glass tray with some humus to add.

This recipe was by far one of the easiest, so easy that I ended up making it again later in the week, along with one of my previous recipes, the kale smoothie. It's a great and healthy alternative to store bought chips, as you can modify this recipe any way you want using different spices and dips.

Q: What are your favorite kind of chips to eat? Have you ever tried making your own chips before?

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