Monday, January 23, 2017

Basketball: Sportsmanship


Basketball isn't just composed of shooting, dunking, blocking, passing, and playing defense. A big part of basketball is attitude and respect. There are fouls that consist of people being un-sportsman like. Everyone plays to win but keep in mind someone has to lose and win, and when someone puts in hard work just to loose they don't deserve to be talked bad upon themselves.

Hall of famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar once said, "A lot of young players don't really know much about the history of the game and a lot of them are missing out on what the game is all about, especially the whole concept of sportsmanship and teamwork" (Jabbar). This shows that when sports where first created everyone worked on playing well with their team mates and try to create chemistry, and not having this concept changes how our generation plays. Like being way more aggressive and angry for no reason.

When playing basketball, your team becomes your family and you will always protect them no matter what. This is what the love of basketball is, not cursing or trying to start fights. While most people play to win and only win, others want to enjoy the game and have a fun experience that will forever live on in their memory.


I have a bonus video from last blog post. This is another play where the 1 or 2 guard pass the ball down low to a 4 or 4 guard and receives the ball back at the corner to get an open shot.
Play like these are really beneficial when the defense are really good, or its hard for you to get a open shot .

Do you agree that sportsmanship is a big part of sports? and have you experience a time where you were mistreated?

Harkins, Harry L., and Jerry Krause. Zone Offenses for Men's and Women's Basketball. Champaign, IL: Coaches Choice, 1997. Print. Sportsmanship Photo


  1. Hey Kalid
    I'm really enjoying reading all of your blogs since I'm very fascinated by basketball. I really like how instead of just focusing on the game as a whole you wanted to focus on things that people never really see. To answer your question I do think that sportsmanship is a big part of basketball and sports in general because it helps teach life lesson such as Respect, Communication, and responsibility.

    1. Hey Gurshan,
      I saw that you have recently commented on different post, but it is still great to see another remarkable comment. I'm glad you see sportsmanship as a big part of the game as well as every sport. Respect, communication, and responsibility as you said in your comment is very key in basketball and chess. Not a lot of kids or players know this. thank you for commenting.
