Sunday, January 15, 2017

Breathing with Side Bend

Breath is a very important part of dance, and really any activity as well. Everyone knows how to breathe, but not everyone can effectively use their breath to reduce tension and improve their core strength. Breaths can be incorporated into dances so that the dancer can become more aware of their breathing patterns. This exercise, Breathing with Side Bend, is very beneficial in opening up the ribcage and finding mobility in your breathing.

To do this exercise, start seated on the ground with your legs comfortably crossed in front of you, and your hands relaxed by your sides. Inhale though the nose, and feel your spine lengthen as you exhale through the nose.
Engage your core, and slowly slide your right hand along the floor. Keeping your body aligned, let your left arm lift over your head.
Gently place your right elbow on the ground, but don't collapse into it, still remain in control. Hold this pose for one breath cycle, feeling the lower ribs of your left rib cage expanding as you inhale. Be aware of the difference of the left ribcage expanding and the right ribcage compressing.
As you exhale, feel your left ribcage pull together and your diaphragm lift. Engage your core, then slowly return back to your beginning seated position. Repeat 2-4 times on each side.

Completing this breathing exercise can be very helpful to dancers, or anyone really. Moving from your center will have more meaning when you can feel the freedom in your movements. Every time you inhale, allow your lungs to fill completely with air. Increasing your lung capacity will cause you to find that you will be able to breath more comfortably, and be more mobile in your activities. This is great for not only dancers, but any athlete, or any person who wants to improve the quality of their breath.

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