Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Photography - Available LIght

Available Light - Gatcum, Chris. The Beginner's Photography Guide, 2nd Edition. New York: DK, 2016. Print.

Using the light around you to your benefit is the first step you should take to make sure you get the best quality photo possible. If your lighting is too dark, no one will be able to see the subject(s). If too bright, it will washout the photo, making everything too white. Making sure your position is key to lighting. For example, when i am outside taking a photo in a store (like the picture below), my lighting source is above me, but i also have to take into consideration that my lighting is florescent/tungsten, which is indoor lighting but for stores.

"Tungsten: Also known as Incandescent, this setting is good for indoor shots under regular domestic" (Gatcum).

"Florescent: Florescent settings compensate for different indoor artificial lights" (Gatcum).

these types of lighting affect my photo look and my editing process later one. For this particular photo, i found the lighting washing out the bright colors of the flowers.

What do you think is the best type of lighting - natural or artificial?


  1. Hello Mikal,
    I personally enjoy natural lighting because, artificial lighting makes me become all washed out. Natural lighting is best in my opinion because you don't need high tech lighting props, you can easily access it for free, thanks to the sun. The more "natural", the better!

  2. Hi! I like how you explained what would happen with too little and too much light! I prefer natural light because artificial is difficult to manage and control with your subject. Natural light also brings out your subject more. What things do you keep in mind when thinking about lighting?

  3. Hi Mikal,

    You did a great job explaining the advantages and disadvantages of using natural lighting in your post! I definitely understand that taking photos inside where the lighting is different based on the shadows and glares from other objects. Although I have little exposure to photograph, I personally like natural lighting when using professional cameras because it shows the vibrant colors without taking the important meaning or visual of the art when using filters or artificial lighting.

    Since you explained about natural lighting in this post, does this mean you prefer to take photos of nature and outside to use the natural light?

    Keep up the good work :)


  4. Hi Mikal!,
    You're description of lighting was very descriptive and well worded. I'm not much of a photography person but why not learn something new. I understand the basic way to get the best lighting for a selfie for example. To answer your question and after reading your post, I believe natural lighting may be better because the quality may be better. Good Job! Keep up the hard work.

  5. Hello!
    I really enjoy your posts! Looks like we have something in common! I really like your description of the light availability. Good job!
