Friday, January 13, 2017

Crosshatching Technique

         To continue off of my first blog which was adding depths to my drawing using a type of shading, there are many other ways to shade a drawing to create depth. The first way I used was regular contrast shading. In this blog, I'll be using a different way to shade which is called 'crosshatching.' This technique is basically using lines and crossing them--hence the name. In my opinion this technique was very difficult for me as a drawer, so I'll try to build this weakness by posting more blogs using this technique since I've mastered the contrast shading.

          In this blog, instead of drawing a doodled character, I'll draw a character from one of my favorite cartoons growing up. I'm also using this character because since this technique is one of my weaknesses, I want to start off with an easier drawing, and because drawing inanimate objects because when you crosshatch it doesn't really show a lot of depth, and detail because it doesn't have many shades and shadows, rather than a cartoon character. The character I'll be drawing is Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender, because it was my favorite cartoon as a kid.

The reason why crosshatching is such an important concept of shading is because it uses values to create depth. Mark Willenbrink states in his book, "values are the degrees of light and darkness in a drawing. They give additional form and depth to a basic structure" (Willenbrink 50). This is why shading to a drawing is so important because if not it's just not as amusing as a completed shaded drawing.

Question: How did my Aang look, and did you enjoy this show as a kid? Also, which drawing did you like more, the first blog or this one?

Bibliography: Willenbrink, Mark, and Mary Willenbrink. Drawing for the Absolute Beginner: A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Drawing. Cincinnati, OH: North Light, 2006. Print.


  1. Hey Abdi,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. The drawing of Aang the last air bender was beyond amazing. I saw you mention that crosshatching is very difficult technique and hard to use it at the right time. However, you also mention that you'll be using more of this technique to help you become a master. I feel that this is just like my blog post about basketball, in a way that its hard to become a professional or even a master of a certain move but if you keep practicing and working hard it will soon pay off.

    To answer you question, I did watch the show when I was a kid but my memory of the show is a little fuzzy. I decided to re-watch the 3 seasons and enjoy my childhood all over again. I honestly like this drawing way better than the first, because I can see it took a long and difficult time to achieve. You're a great drawer keep up with the great work,

    1. Thanks for the comments and the compliments. I really appreciate that you took the time and effort to comment on my blog. I also enjoy watching and reading your blog, and I hope you can achieve your final goal by the end of your blog.

  2. Hey Abdi!

    I am currently taking Commercial Arts I and my teacher had us do an assignment that involved crosshatching. This assignment was very difficult for me to do and took longer than my other drawings did.

    I liked how even though you said you weren't very confident in doing crosshatching, you still pushed yourself and did the best you could and the outcome looks amazing! I used to watch The Last Airbender with my siblings when we were younger. I liked this blog post better than the first because of the effort you put into it.

    Good job!

    1. Thanks for the comment. I highly appreciate it and since your also taking commercial art, I guess you know how difficult crosshatching can be. Again thank you for the comment, and I hope to see more of your blog.

  3. Hi Abdi!
    I really like your drawing of Aang! I'm not sure if it's the quality of the photo, but your lines look a little bit blended. I would suggest leaving the picture a little messier to give it a more cross hatched feel! I too am still working on getting the crosshatching technique down, so I guess this can be a learning curve for the both of us! Although I have finished watching ATLA a couple of years ago, I still enjoy re-watching it because it's just tooooooooooo gooooooood. Although this isn't related to crosshatching, I would 10/10 recommend reading the ATLA comics!! You find out what happens to Zuko's mom....
    Overall this was a really great post! Especially since you drew Aang! :)

  4. Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate it and enjoy the compliment. I like that you thought that this was a really great post, and I look forward to see what advice you have on my next blog.

  5. Hey Abdi!
    I really like your drawing of Aang. I think you did a great job with the drawing and it turned out really well. I know how difficult crosshatching can be, and you pushed yourself and your drawing turned out amazing. Answering your question, I did enjoy this show as a kid, it was one of the best shows out there. I like this drawing more because of the work you put into it and how you challenged yourself. Overall, great job and keep up the good work!
