Pt. 5: Gaining confidence in life through the magic of tidying.
This concept may seem a little weird and you may be wondering "How would I gain confidence through tidying?" When you have a tidy room that you are confident in, it in turn boosts your self confidence. How do you feel when your room is messy? You probably feel lazy and sluggish, I know I do, and I have no passion to clean my room because it seem like too much work. But when your room is organized and tidy, it makes you feel more spontaneous and motivated.

"When it comes to the things I own, the clothes I wear, the house I live in, and the people in my life, when it comes to my environment as a whole, although it may not seem particularly special to anyone else, I am confident and extremely grateful to be surrounded by what I love, by things and people that are, each and every one, special, precious, and exceedingly dear to me" (Kondo 180).

"Discard anything that doesn't spark joy" (Kondo 181). When your room is clutter free, you start to appreciate the things that you have more. The belongings in your room start to have more value and purpose. You want to create a space that you feel the most confident in, a place that sparks joy in your life. For me I personally love fashion, art music, and books. You can still decorate your room in a tidy fashion. When i hang posters an pictures on my walls, I make sure to leave at least one wall relatively empty to create a cleaner looking space. I also organize my books by series so that it looks more pleasing to the eye. These are the things that I love to surround myself with, the things that spark my joy, the things that are special and dear to me.
What do you decorate your room with? What are the things in your room that spark joy in you?
Hi Sarah! I love how you explained the confidence you feel when you clean your room and leave the things that give you joy! Whenever I clean an area in my room, I feel the same way! I usually decorate my room with pictures, some stuffed animals I kept from my elementary school days and my huge collection of hand sanitizers. The things that spark the most joy are my hand sanitizers, which is weird, but they just smell so good! What are the books that you like to decorate your room with?