Thursday, January 26, 2017

Snack Hacks- Sunny Side Up

Growing up, I found myself packing my younger siblings’ lunches quite often. If you don’t know what it feels like to pack three separate meals that will fit each person’s tastes, I’ll tell you right now that it is utterly draining. Especially if you’re doing so at around 7 in the morning! Luckily for me, my IRP book “Yum-Yum Bento Box” is all about making simple yet charming lunches perfect for kids!

Though we have our similarities, my siblings and I have completely different choice in foods, so it’s problematic to please all of us with the same meal. Fortunately, there is a very quick and easy dish that none of us find difficulty eating. In the book, it is known as “Hawaii Sun; Sunny Loco Moco, a happy shining sun in the warmth of a yummy snack popular in paradise!” (Watanabe Ogawa, 31). For us, it is the grand delicacy of steamed rice and a sunny side up egg!

To prepare the meal itself is extremely stress-free and could even be done by grade schoolers (adult supervision of course)

Firstly, place about 1 cup of steamed white rice into a thermos. Portions can vary depending on how much the consumer is willing to eat.
Secondly, cook then place the finished sunny side up egg lightly on top of the rice.
Lastly, decorate the little egg sun with any sides or seasoning that you like! This last step is really up to you and isn’t at all a must have for the final product. I added black pepper and a sausage for my younger sister.

As I expected, this meal was super breezy to cook and took very little effort. It turned out quite lovely and took me approximately 15 minutes to complete. My younger sister enjoyed it, and I’d say I did as well. Question, what was your favorite packed lunch when you were a kid? J

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