Sunday, January 29, 2017

Decluttering and Organizing: Pt.3 Designation

Pt. 3: Designating a place for each thing.

Now that we have gone through our belongings, and organized the things that spark joy in our lives, we can move on to the next step, which is designation. "The point in deciding specific places to keep things is to designate a spot for every thing" (Kondo 131). Although it may be a pain to rearrange and designate spots for your things, in the end you'll only have to do it once. After a spot is designated, it will become a habit for you to put your belongings in those spots. I personally have designated areas in my room for my book, CD's, art supplies, my guitar, etc. 

“One of the main reasons for rebound is the failure to designate a spot for each item. Without a designated spot, where are you going to put things when you finish using them?” (Kondo 132).

Whenever I finish a book, I make sure to put it back on my bookshelf where it belongs. When I’m done jamming out on my guitar, I put it back in the corner by my desk. Once everything has a spot it is way easier to keep your room tidy and organized.


Do your belongings have designated areas? If so where are they? J

1 comment:

  1. Your closing question reminded me of something A wise man once said: "If a cluttered desk represents a cluttered mind, then what does a clear one represent?" He must have been a bit like me, nothing is where it should be! It's a pain in the butt I tell ya' :) Nice post by the way, keep it up!
