Sunday, January 29, 2017

Attacking Soccer- Maintaing Team Possession

Some skills you should practice to maintain your possession is increase the teams overall ability to retain possession. Also improve individual ability to keep possession in passing, identify and categorize players based on their possession abilities. Lastly, use these skills through competition and measure results.

There are two main plays you can use to practice maintaining possession. One of them is the 5v2 Divisions. For the best results of this play, the passes must be crisp, firm, and rolling on the ground. Also short support is critical with an open body position to receive and play quickly.

Another play is the 3v3+1 Playmaker. Some key points to go with this play is that the playmaker must stay fully engaged and active. Also the playmaker must create a good angle of support and angles to play into.
Question: Out of the two, which would you think would be the most effective when maintaining possession?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harnoor,
    Another very interesting blog post! This one really caught my eye as an attacking player. I think that the most effective technique is the 3v3 with the 1 neutral player. This one in my opinion is better because you're always looking for a better position in an open area and always trying to get the ball to a teammate quickly before your opponent can take it. This is also good because it helps you work on pass and move as well as defending. Great post and very informational!
