Thursday, January 12, 2017

Feet positions in dance

Feet positions!

Hey everyone welcome back to my blog! Today we will be talking about feet strengthening. Feet are one of the most important parts of dancing. Nice feet and pointed toes are a must.                                   

Winging is the position of foot were from the ankle down the angle is pointed away from you. This position is used mostly in an arabesque and other extensions to extend the line of your leg and make it look higher. In the higher levels teachers use this more often while in the lower level they aren’t as strict since they are just wanting you to not sickle.

Sickling is the opposite position as winging meaning the angle of the foot points inward. This position should always be avoided unless used for chorographical purposes. All teachers and dancers avoid it because in an arabesque it shortens the leg and the foot points lower making it look lower and breaks the line in a bad way.

The regular position of the foot is when it makes a straight line all the way down and doesn’t make an angle. This is the position that is mostly used for lower levels and higher levels to the side. This position should be the only position used when in a releve. Because it insure that you have a greater chance of balancing.

Releves are an exercises the exercise your angles and calves. This is also used when executing a pirouette.  The position of the foot should be regular and you toes should be spread apart making the widest platform to balance on. Another exercise would be to sit down and point and flex. your toes and ankles. To make this exercise harder you can do it with a resistance band or dynaband.

I hope you learned how to properly point your feet and strengthen them. Now my question for you is in your sport/activity do you have incorrect or correct feet positions? If so comment down below i would love to hear!                                                                                                                                               

Copeland, Misty, and Charisse Jones. Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina. New York: Touchstone, Published by Simon and Schuster, 2014. Print.          

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