Sunday, January 29, 2017

Volley and No I Am Not Talking About Volleyball

               With a volley, I found that it is a lot simpler and easier to get down versus the rest of the techniques. The volley is very repetitive shot and personally, I was able to get the shot down after a couple practices. Therefore, you will most likely get it down within that same time as well. In the beginning, I would always want to swing at the ball, but with a volley, it is different from the other shots because you should not swing with it and you have to hit the ball in the air before it touches the ground. Typically, this is a shot used up at the net because it is a quick shot that can be very aggressive if you hit it correctly.  

The first thing you need to understand with this shot is that you should always watch the ball when you are trying to make this shot or just with any shot; however I found this to be crucial with this move in particular. As well as, you need to meet your body to the ball when you want to do a volley. The book “The Top 100 Best Things That You Can Do to Greatly Improve Your Tennis Game” said, “Controlling volleys is a lot easier if you meet the ball before it has reached your body. It is very difficult to control a volley if he ball has begun to go past you” (McCloud 32). When you are trying to make this shot aggressive and powerful, you need to fight against the power of the ball coming at you. If you hit the ball when it is still in front you, then you don’t need to reach for the ball, but you can push the ball, which gives you that aggressiveness and power that you need. If you try to hit the ball going past you, then you will have to reach for the ball and make a weak shot back to your opponent making them have the advantage.

Another thing that you need to know in order to master your volley is that you have to make sure you turn your body for the volley. Ace McCloud says, “It is important not to take the ball square on, so be prepared move rapidly to one side” (McCloud 32). With this shot, it is very quick so you have very little time to make a decision on what you want to do, so always be ready to think quickly. You want to move to one side because you have more control on how you angle the ball and you can have a better push motion. If you are hitting the ball straight on you will have no control and it probably won’t go where you would like the ball to go, which could make your shot very weak and help your opponent win the game.

Before, I mentioned how you shouldn’t swing on a volley because with a volley it is a shot made up close, so you have no room to swing, but that’s not the main reason. When you hit a volley, you need to act like your racquet is a “wall”, because you want the racquet to be hard and sturdy like a wall. The reason why you don’t want to swing is because you lose the momentum of the ball when you add a swing to the ball coming at you. If you hit the ball with a simple push of your racquet, you will just push the momentum of the ball going back to your opponent’s court. Therefore, with the push you get the fast and aggressive hit, with just a simple hit.

Anyways, with a volley just remember to act as if the racquet is a wall, always be prepared to shift to one side and have your body face sideways. I really do hope my tips have helped you, if you want to pursue in the sport of tennis. I love tennis and I found that these tips have helped me prepare for the season coming up. Thank you for reading my post!


Question: What do you find is the hardest thing for you to understand or actually do when you do a volley? Like what challenges you when doing this shot?


McCloud, Ace. The Top 100 Best Things That You Can Do to Greatly Improve Your Tennis Game. San Bernardino: n.p., 2016. Print.

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