Thursday, January 26, 2017

Snack Hacks- Chicken Rice

Because I’ve been sort of going with a theme of using eggs somewhere in my bentos, I decided to recreate a chicken using rice and eggs! Unfortunately, I got a little carried away so there won’t be any progress pictures for this post, but I will try my best to describe the steps.

Firstly, I scooped spoons of rice into a small bowl and patted it down, making sure there won’t be any broken areas that might end up in the rice losing its shape or falling apart entirely. We still want it to be nice and round.

This lunch doesn’t have as many steps as my first two had, due to the fact that the main part was just rice. It focuses largely on the decorations and filling in of the lunch canteen itself. In the book, it states to use “2 kernels of corn” for the nose. Sadly, I didn’t have any to spare, so I improvised. This is actually a pretty good tip for recipe books; if there is a specific ingredient you don’t have or can’t buy, use a substitute that will be just as good. I used small cuts of scrambled egg instead.


Lastly, are the sides. For the meat, I simmered spam in teriyaki sauce then cut it into little slices for easy eating. The greens are broiled cabbage pieces (we always need our greens!) and tiny chunks of peppered shrimp. Because I had extra pieces of turkey left from decorating the chick, I placed it at the bottom to line the base along with the leftover eggs scraps I had.

Overall, this lunch was super fun to make, and I really enjoyed it! I think the most challenging part was probably making the sides, putting the entire thing together was really simple! It took me roughly 20 minutes excluding the broiling of the vegetables. Question; what was the trickiest meal you’ve cooked?

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