Friday, January 27, 2017

Attacking Soccer- Goalies

The goalie position isn't probably the first position you think when you sign up for soccer. You want to be involved with the action and be on the field. But the goalie position is just as important as the other positions. Why is this so? Well they prevent the opposing team to score and they put themselves in risk with balls flying towards them at top speeds. If they didn't do their jobs, your team may not have a chance of winning.

Now if you are thinking of choosing this position, there are a few things you have want to keep in mind.

1. When practicing, you should have the players shoot from both sides so you can build technique for both sides and not just one side.

2. You should have the ability to distribute with the hands quickly, accurately, and over distance. Top keepers make a save and quick distribute to a teammate to begin a counterattack.

3. Foot movement is just as important as hand movement. Footwork skills include long and accurate goal kicks, punts, dropkicks, and the popular side volley kicks and of the course the ability to receive balls, make good player decisions and connect passes in and around the keeper's defensive third or when needed, up field.

With this information, you know that the goalie position isn't as boring as you think. They don't just stand there the whole time, they get a lot of training and you need to have specific skills to be a goalie. 

Question: After reading this blog, would you think of being a goalie? If not, why?


  1. Hey Harnoor!
    I think you did a great job with this post, it was very organized and highly detailed. I am a soccer player myself, but I have not associated myself with the goalie position very much. After reading this blog I still don't think I would want to be a goalie because I have not had much practice with being a goalie, and would rather stick to the position that I am accustomed to and good at. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and gaining additional knowledge about soccer from them. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you for the feedback! I understand how you would rather stay with the position you are the most comfortable with. I am happy that you gained some knowledge from my blogs. Thank You!

  2. Hi Harnoor! I enjoyed how you explained what we should think about when considering being a goalie! I used to be a soccer player myself, and now that I'm starting to consider going back into it, I think that this is helpful to see whether I should go to goalie, or my original position, and it makes me want to be a goalie! What position do you play?
