Sunday, January 1, 2017

Attacking the knight

More Winning Moves

I have continued on my adventure to get better at Chess and throughout the book I have found even more cool unique moves to help me win. I have found much more challenging starting moves and wanted to see if they really work.

I haven't been doing to much out of my IRP book other then figuring out which moves work the best and a great move is by attacking the other players knights first because they are very important in the game of chess.

I have been trying many ways of attacking the knights by playing against the computer and I have made a lot of progress in figuring out the best method. this picture shows how the book describes the game should go if you do everything correctly. I have found many different methods of attacking the knight and the best is the one below
as you can see I was able to take down the knight and this will allow me to ultimately gain a huge advantage over the other player  

question: how is attacking the opponents knight first help give a player the advantage


  1. Hi Gurshan,
    Wow, I think chess is really cool. My boyfriend likes chess too. I find it very interesting that killing the knight can give you such a huge advantage. Is the knight the horsey one? I like horseys. I think it's good to take out the other person's knight because horses run fast and can bite people so you don't want the opponent to have a big advantage because their horsey is speeding around the board and biting your pieces. I also like the chess piece that looks like a castle. Castles are big and really cool. Thanks for this enlightening post.

  2. Gurshan, I was really interested in what you had to say about using the knight to attack first. I thought the way you explained the information was really interesting. The way your blog was laid out was very organized and well said. I just had a question if you knew any other ways to attack with the knight first. Also if there were any special advantages with attacking with the knight first instead of any other game pieces. Thanks for the useful information about playing chess.
